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    • Is it a legal requirement to install a crash tested system in my vehicle?

      Is it a legal requirement to install a crash tested system in my vehicle?

      What laws govern what?

      Should I carry water and my system in my vehicle?

      Whilst there is not a "black and white" law stipulating that only a crash tested professionally fitted system should be fitted, there are some clear guidelines provided:

      1. Firstly, authorities take overloaded vehicles very seriously. Whilst an over weight vehicle can be an issue practically - causing wear and tear on a vehicle, it also is a serious safety hazard. For this reason, checking your vehicle payload and axle weights and remaining within your specified payloads is a legal requirement.
      2. For customers carrying a tank of water on a vehicle, calculating the correct size of system to carry is especially important, as the GVW (Gross Vehicle Weight) can quickly be exceeded with all the additional equipment and components normally required to be kept on board.
      3. Once the correct size of system has been calculated based on the GVW, the weight of people the vehicle is capable of carrying, and the weight of all equipment, the next decision must be how to secure the system to the vehicle. This decision is not something to take lightly, because as the DoT (Department of Transport) say, securing a load within a vehicle should be of primary importance to all road users (regardless of if that's a loved one being secured by wearing a seat belt, or a lorry full of groceries being correctly packed).

      The DoT have a code of practice on the safety of LCV's carrying loads which is fairly generic in nature based on the 1000s of variety of load carrying vehicles on the roads. However, Regulation 100 of the Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations 1986 as amended, requires that a vehicle should not be used or loaded in such a way that it endangers either those using the vehicle or other road user. The DoT also mention within their load carrying guide that the centre of gravity of the equipment being carried should be a low as possible as well safety secured by adequate means to match the load being carried.

      A water tank based system is classed as a dynamic force load. This means rather than the load being static, the water within a tank is moving and thus dynamic - thus meaning more velocity. WIth this in mind, more strength and force is required to secure a dynamic load than a static load. The combined strength of the load restraint system must be sufficient to withstand a forwards force not less than the total weight of the load to prevent the load moving under severe braking, and half the weight of the load moving backwards and sideways. Even at low speeds, the forces acting on a load when the vehicle is moving can be high enough for the load to move.

      Whilst as we mention there is no law that insists you must have a crash tested system, with the above information in mind, the following should also be considered:

      • You could be prosecuted for causing the death of an employee or a member of the public due to negligence if its found that the system is lacking in some form, and/p has not been professional installed and is the cause of the injury.
      • Negligence could be viewed as ignorance or the lack of effective processes, like failing to comply with existing guidance on vehicle load carrying and payloads. This can result in substantial fines for the company or individuals in the case of a partnership or sole trader.

      In Summary:

      Whilst none of us like to think of the worst case scenario, the potential for a 1000kg worth of volatile water and equipment to cause injury to yourself, an employee, or a member of the public is high.

      So by having a professional crash tested system installed, you not only adhere to DoT standards and regulations, but more importantly, you have the peace of mind of knowing you have not cut corners. Risking injury, insurance invalidation, or possible prosecution is not worth it for the relative low cost of a professionally crash tested system.

      Read more reasons here as to the benefits of a professionally installed system.

    • What type of hose reels do you supply?

      We have standard metal hose reels, plastic molded hose reels and high quality reinforced hose reels.

    • I have a bespoke system requirement, can you help?

      Yes. We supply many bespoke tank systems to various industries from the fishing industry to the fire & safety industry. The systems are designed for any company or individual that needs to transport liquid safely.

    • Should I ratchet strap my tank?

      The problem with ratchet strapping a water tank in to your vehicle full of water is that the actual load is unpredictable. Unlike a solid load of bricks or the like, water moves in different directions during the duration of your journey.

      Whilst a ratchet strap may be rated up to 5000kg this doesn't actually mean anything if the fixing point is not rated. Many cargo points (also called anchor points) are rated to 'break point' i.e the material will withstand up to 1000lbs of pressure. Once again, this can almost become irrelevant if they are not fixed into a solid surface.

      To illustrate:
      Most van floor pans are only between 2mm and 3mm in total thickness. If your cargo strap is embedded in this standard floor pan, it will happily cope with everyday cargo and luggage. Once you start using it to withstand the pressures of a heavy water load (1000ltr of water is in effect 1 ton of water), things can be very different.

      It would be a bit like building a house on jelly. Even if you used the most solid of materials above the jelly, steel, granite etc, we still couldn't escape the fact that the house is built on jelly and sooner or later it will fail.

      Our systems are designed to reinforce the pressure areas and fixing points. In fact they 'sandwich' the floor pan between our spreader plates (that sit under the vehicle) and our lateral bars and T-Loks that sit inside the vehicle to secure the tank.

    • Compact Vehicle Installation Advice

      Example Vehicles: Vauxhal Combi / Ford Connect / VW Combi

      Because many compact vans are car-derived, it means that their chasis is a dual skin. This creates a 6 or 7 inch void behind the drivers seat (underneath the floor pan).

      To access this area you can pull the seats forward in the cab, and access from underneath the bulkhead. This will enable you to get fixing points for your T-LOKS and under floor spreader plates. This is the same on most car derived vans. Always check before you purchase to ensure your payload is adequate and that you have the correct fixing points under the vehicle.

    • Reasons to buy a GrippaMAX?

      How are we different from the rest?
      Why buy a GrippaMAX instead of another system?
      What are the benefits of our company and the GrippaMAX system?

      1. GrippaTank LTD is a FAMILY RUN business - we are FRIENDLY approachable people.
      2. We LISTEN. If you have an improvement, we will make it.
      3. Everybody works different, so if you need a BESPOKE requirement added to your system layout to best suit your work process just let us know.
      4. We believe our customers shouldn't have to make to much effort - our ENGINEERS come to you and fit the system on YOUR DRIVEWAY.
      5. Our NATIONWIDE FITTING service means the system is FULLY TESTED in your own environment - enabling our engineers to spend time to check your water pressure and tds reading.
      6. Each driveway fitting service includes full system TRAINING and basic water fed pole cleaning method training.
      7. The GrippaMAX has been designed in partnership with GARDINER POLE SYSTEMS. Now with a stamp of approval like that, you know it has to be good.
      8. SAFETY tested by MIRA on the HyGE sled, you have extra peace of mind that you're protected should the worse happen.
      9. Our system is THE most COMPACT crash worthiness tested system out on the market - keeping valuable SPACE free for your other equipment.
      10. Unlike most of the systems out on the market, these tanks have been specifically manufactuered for van-mount environments. 
      11. The Tanks are HIGH STRENTH, DOUBLE the thicknesses of tanks used in other systems.
      12. Known as the 'small black box' - the system framework is NEATL incorporated into the tank.
      13. Available in 400, 650 amd 850 sizes, with prompt dispatch and fitting times available. 
      14. Delivery systems include FLOJET TRIPLEX PUMPS, specficially designed for the WFP market. Quiet and efficient.
      15. LIQUID LOGIC system controllers include simple to use water flow settings - ensuring you get the right pressure to the window.
      16. INTELLIGENT split relay controls the 110v Numax battery - trickle CHARGE keeps the battery topped up while you're out and about*
      17. Monitors van and system BATTERY levels, preventing damage to the system or vehicle.
      18. TDS readings before DI Resin and before the water filters into tank ensures you can monitor the PURITY of the water*
      19. Industrial grade Ez-Pure FILTERATION available with HF4 or HF5 AXEON grade with a typical life of 3 years.
      20. Ez-Pure can filter on very LOW PRESSURE without the need of a booster pump. 5.5 bar (80psi) will filter the water at 160 litres per hour or at the lowest pressure, 2 bar (30psi) is about 50 litres per hour!**
      21. Unlike other systems, the GrippaMAX is very cost effective to maintain. Replacement filters start from just £37 +vat for a carbon filter.
      22. Automatic shutoff means you can fillup the tank overnight without having to worry about overspills.
      23. Easy to ready water level gauge keeps an accurate eye on how many litres of water you are carrying.
      24. Each system comes with stainless steel underports as standard to keep your van secured, along with the option to run the hosereel from inside the van over the winter months.
      25. System Add-ons include hosereels, Gardiner poles, and hot water systems.

      *Available on all Delivery PRO, DI, & RO Systems.

      **Available on DI & RO systems.

    • What makes the GrippaMAX so cost effective?

      There is some sceptism with regards to crash tested products in some quarters and in truth is it is right to do your homework and make a well informed decision before purchasing anything.

      Some feel that by using the term 'Crash Tested' or 'Crash Worthiness Tested' companies are just using it as a marketing ploy.

      We can genuinely say that our aim in getting crash worthiness tested certification from MIRA was and still is to produce safer systems for anyone transporting liquid in their vehicle. In fact this is one of the reasons why we have made our systems cost effective.

      Our overwhelming feeling was that too many companies and individuals were being priced out of the crash worthiness tested market. Unable to afford the cost of a crash worthiness tested system, they had to look elsewhere for cheaper alternatives. Our GrippaMAX Systems can be purchased simply as a tank unit and frame, because we believe you do not have to be a window cleaner to benefit from crash worthiness tested certification. We are confident that you will see immediately the difference between a standard cleaning system and our GrippaMAX System and why it is MIRA certificated. Water can generate a great deal of energy known as inertia when a vehicle brakes or worse hits an object. Because of this force the tank and framework has the 'urge' to push forward towards the object that has been hit. Our GrippaMAX Systems come with reinforced frames and underplates to give the user complete peace of mind.

      We would be more than happy to demonstrate the benefits of our system - to arrange a demonstration please call 0800 098 8407

    • How To: Manually backflush your RO membranes

      The waste valve situtated on your system, is a regulator - NOT an ON / OFF valve. So when in the 'CLOSED' position is causes the filters to pressurise, allowing a regularated amount of brime (waste) to exit. 

      To maintain the life of your filters you should ensure you are regularly flushing the system - simply operate the system fill as normal, but open the waste valve fully. Leave for about 20 minutes and then close to produce water.

    • Can I buy your equipment on finance?

      Yes, finance is available on any order over £500 subject to status. Simply contact us and let us know what you want to order and we will get the finance company to contact you for a no-obligation quote.

    • What is the HyGe sled test?

      We specificially chose the Hyge Sled test for our GrippaMAX system.

      This is because the energy from a HyGe sled test is transferred immediately to the tank unit rather than being partly absorbed in a head on crash test (i.e a van against a wall). The tanks and fixings are subject to the most force on a HyGe sled and therefore give a fuller understanding of the strength and capabilities of the tank unit itself. See our video by clicking here for more details.

    • Do you fix your systems into the chassis of a vehicle?

      No. Experience in the engineering industry tells us that fixing a system into the chassis of a vehicle could weaken the structural strength and integrity of the vehicle itself. For this reason our GrippaMAX Systems were developed and tested by fixing into the main floor pan of the vehicle. We believe that by fitting a system to the floor pan (one of the weakest parts of a vehicle) and forcing it to withstand the pressure created by the HyGE Sled Test and 850ltr of water gives the greatest proof that it has reached a 'crash worthiness test' standard. All systems come with high strength under spreader plates and fixings.

    • Can your tanks cope with hot water?

      Yes. Our tanks can withstand hot water up to 70 degrees. In fact the Polymer has been tested up to 85 degrees but we prefer to work within the guidelines and recommendations.

    • GrippaMAX Crash Test Information

      GrippaMAX MIRA Crash Worthiness Test Information

      The GrippaMAX Systems were tested at MIRA's high tech test facility in the UK. The test was carried out using the HyGe sled - see

      Click here to see the video footage of the test:

      What is the difference between a HyGe sled test and a head on crash test?

      Both tests demonstrate the force that is generated by water inertia. In a head on crash test the crumple zones of the vehicle will absorb some of the energy created on impact. This means that the full force will not be transferred to the tank unit itself. The HyGe sled test is a 'bare' test and transfers the energy instantly to the tank unit and fixings, thus, giving a fuller understanding of the strength and capability of the tank and it's fixings.


      Should I be concerned about how I carry water in my vehicle?

      We don't believe in scaremongering, but do feel this is an important issue. At the end of the day, there is a key difference between carrying a solid load (i.e bricks or gravel) and water. This is because of the weight and movement of water. Water moves in a way that a solid load does not, thus distributing weight to different parts of the vehicle at different times during your journey. Our GrippaMAX Systems are designed to contain and control the water making it react more like a solid load. This is due to the high strength frame, plates and
      T-LOK Bolt System and twin baffles.

      What type of baffles does the GrippaMAX System have?

      The GrippaMAX actually incorporates twin baffles, both molded baffles and honeycomb for extra reassurance.

       To enquire further about this product please click here: PRODUCT ENQUIRY

    • Installation Advice: Shut off valve & float level.

      There are two important points here - the shut off valve and the level switch must BOTH be plumbed in correctly in order to work, as the controller relies on each for the signal to turn the valve on/off. 
       If you are installing it with our V-Series Liquid Logic you will need to do the following: 

      1.  Shutoff Valve: A/. We recommend plumbing this in before the filtration, i.e on the inline water fed. B/. Make sure all joints have PTFE applied. C/. Wiring - the valve has two cables - a black (negative) and a grey (positive). These need to be connected to the LL Controller using the black (negative) and red (positive) coming from the right hand side wiring loom (It is really important you choose the right hand side wiring loom which has the positive and negative pair as the left hand side wiring loom also has a positive and negative pair and these are for the battery feed)!
      2. Level switch: A/. You will need to drill a 20mm hole in the tank, we recommend placing next to one of the 1/2" inlets or next to one of the M8 nut inserts for the plate fixing. Make sure you are on the same horizontal line as the inlet or nut inserts, as if you go any higher you will encroach on the tank radius edge. Do this process very slowly, because if you make the hole larger than 20mm, the level switch will be to loose and the tank will leak!!. B/. Place the level switch into the hole, making sure all plastic trimmings have been removed from the hole. The level switch has a 'D' shaped chassis to the main plastic body, install this with the flat edge of the D shaped chassis pointing towards the right hand side (i.e a backwards D). Push into the hole ensuring the rubber gromit has sealed the hole. No glue or sealant is required if you have drilled the hole correctly. C/. Wiring is pretty easy - there are two black cables coming out of the level switch, these connect to the two yellow cables coming from the right hand side wiring loom on the v-series controller. 

      Once this is all completed and you have connected the controller to the battery, you will need to press the two 'up' and 'down' arrows together to activate the shut off valve to the open position. You will hear the valve open if you have turned the mains water on. Test the level switch by placing your hand in the tank, and pushing the float up. You will see the 'FILL' message disappear and the valve will shut.

    • Will I receive a fitting certificate for my insurers?

      Yes. If you purchase a GrippaMAX, you will receive a copy of the MIRA Crash Worthiness Test Certificate. If one of our engineers has fitted the system for you, you will also receive an engineers certificate.

    • Do you offer system fitting?

      Yes we do - we offer nationwide fitting within the UK, including Northern Ireland and the outlying isles. 

      We also have fitting centres in England, Scotland, Ireland and Holland.

      Please call 0800 098 8407 to see whether we fit in your area.

    • What makes your GrippaMAX Systems different?

      Our GrippaMAX Systems have been designed to fit between the wheel arches of all vans on the market (please note it is vital that you check your vehicle payload before purchasing any cleaning system).

      All of our systems come with simple plug & play technology and easy to read gauges. We don't believe in blinding you with science. 

      Our GrippaMAX Systems incorporate the frame into the tank itself, making it a very secure unit. They also feature lateral slider bars giving more flexibility when it comes to fitting. The lid is a unique design that features the same technology that is used on submarine hatches. This means that in a crash the lid will not permit water escape.

    • Should I be concerned about how I carry water in my vehicle?

      We don't believe in scaremongering, but do feel this is an important issue. At the end of the day, there is a key difference between carrying a solid load (i.e bricks or gravel) and water. This is because of the weight and movement of water. Water moves in a way that a solid load does not thus distributing weight to different parts of the vehicle at different times during your journey. Our GrippaMAX Systems are designed to contain and control the water making it react more like a solid load.

    • Can I upgrade my system later on?

      Yes. All of our GrippaMAX Systems can be quickly upgraded at sensible prices. This means that when your business expands and grows you can add on another pump and controller at a price that won't break the bank!

    • Payload & Gross Vehicle Weight - What does it all mean?

      Payloads, GVW, GVM, MAM, KG - Confused? 

      Calculating which system your vehicle can legally and safely take is a very important decision. If you do not spend time on making this decision wisely, it will potentially cost your business both from a financial point of view as well as from a health and safety point of view. An over-laden vehicle is very dangerous, and the risk of causing injury is high.

      So understanding the various abbreviations as well as what that actually means in practice for you and your vehicle is very important. The following information aims to assist you in your decision process:

      1. MAM - Maximum Authorised Mass. This is often known as GVW - Gross Vehicle Weight or GVM - Gross Vehicle Mass. All 3 abbrievations generally mean the same thing -  this figure includes the total permissible all-up weight of a rigid vehicle - i.e with body, payload, ancillaries, fuel, oil, engine water, driver and passengers. In summmary, its the weight of a vehicle or trailer including the maximum load that can safely be carried when in use on the road. This weight should never be exceeded.
      2. Kerb Mass or Kerb Weight - The complete weight of a vehicle the body and all parts normally used when on the road, but without payload, driver, or crew. The more options you have on a vehicle, the higher the kerb mass of the vehicle and the lower the payload will be. This is sometimes know as the unladed weight. Note: Vauxhall and Volkswagen state that the Kerb Weight doesn't include a full tank of fuel - but rather a 90% full tank.
      3. Gross Payload - This is the gross vehicle mass (GVM - see above), less the kerb mass. If you have a Ford or Vauxhall you will need to remember to  minus the weight of you, the driver, and your passengers before calculating what size system your vehicle will safely carry. If you have a Volkswagen, Citreon, Fiat, or Peugeot, a 75kg allowance for driver has already been removed from the equation, so you just need to minus the weight of passengers from your payload. The published payload figure usually is only based on a standard specification vehicle, so does not include any items of optional upgrades and equipment.

      So with the above in mind, GVM or GVW could be 3500kg. The kerb mass is 2213kg. This gives you a payload of 1287kg. If your system weights 551kg with water, you are left with 736kg. Then remove the weight of the driver and passenger - 76kg each if 12 stone each. You then have 584kg to carry the rest of your equipment with. However if your vehicle is highly modified with optional extras, this may be less. That is why the GVW or GVM is the bottom line figure you must keep in mind.

      Ensure to check with the manufacturer of your vehicle, as the above information is designed to be a guide, but does and can vary over the many ranges on the market.

    • Will your systems stand up to the rigours of day-to-day work?

      Yes. In fact all of our products are tested for between 6 months to 1 year in the actual work environment before we sell them.

      We also listen carefully to what our customers have to say and if a product needs improving then you can be sure we will work hard to make it happen!

    • Up to what temperature can LLDPE tubing be used?

      LLDPE tubing can be used in environments up to 65c. 

    • If I buy a GrippaMAX System what support will I get?

      We offer full customer support from start to finish. We don't believe in just making sales, we would much rather you to be a long term customer. For this reason, if you have any questions you can contact us from 9:00am to 5:00pm every week day or email us at

    • Why spend the extra on Xtreme poles?

      The Xtreme pole combines the light weight of a modular pole with the ease of use of a telescopic pole and provides unrivalled ease of use for any work. It should be especially considered if working with any kind of injury.

      Xtreme poles are also suited to work that needs increased rigidity and control such as skylight cleaning or solar panel cleaning.
    • What is pure water and how much does it cost?

      What is Pure Water?

      Ecologically friendly, pure water is an extremely reliable organic solvent. But what exactly is pure water? And how do you get it? Water or H2O comprises of a single atom of oxygen and two atoms of hydrogen. Purified or pure water has all the mineral and particle pollutants removed from it.

      However, pure water will always try to return to a natural impure state, so it will instinctively absorb dirt and grit, making it the Ninja of cleaning agents.

      How Do You Get Pure Water?

      Water purification goes through two processes:

      • Reverse Osmosis (RO)
      • Deionisation (DI)

      With Reverse Osmosis or RO, water passes through a porous membrane separating minerals and solid particles from water molecules.

      Deionisation or DI, the second stage of the process, removes any remaining minerals (sodium, calcium, iron, magnesium and copper) and anions (chloride and sulphate).

      Pure Water Revolutionises the Cleaning Industry

      When pure water evaporates, it leaves its surfaces both spot and smear free, making it an extremely effective and greener alternative to traditional cleaning methods. In a nutshell, using pure water:

      • Is more environmentally friendly
      • Leaves all surfaces smear and spot free
      • Is a cost-effective option

      So How Much Does Pure Water Cost?

      There’s no doubt that pure water has revolutionised the cleaning industry, so you’d expect it to be expensive right? Well, not necessarily. There are pure water outlets across the UK and and we have seen pricing between £0.05 to £0.10 + vat per litre.

      Alternatively, you might want to consider producing your own pure water. But how does producing your own water compare to the cost of filling stations?

      Obviously to produce your own pure water, you’d need to have an RO system installed. Typically, an RO system monitors the full water purification process from start to finish. It also monitors the Auto-Flush, keeping the RO membrane in top condition whilst checking the Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) and the water production rate for total water processed.

      What is an RO system?

      A typical S300 Pro System kit is made up of:

      S300 GrippaPRO Static Purification System
      The GrippaPRO range of static systems is pre-plumbed, pre-wired and has been fully tested within our patented RO cabinet. Designed for companies with 1 - 3 vans, the S300 produces up to 300 litres of pure water per hour (7536 litres per day).

      230v 600LPH RO Production Booster Pump
      The booster pump delivers 600 litres per hour (Lph) @100psi giving a filtered production of approximately up to 300 litres per hour based on a 50/50 waste ration. Ready to use, the pump comes with 1 metre of lead and a choice of either UK standard plug or UK RCD Plug.

      Liquid Logic™ S3 Static Pump and RO Auto flush System Controller
      The most advanced static system controller in the world, its features include auto back flush, auto shut off and TDS monitoring.

      Static Water Tank - Anything from 500 - 20,000 litres
      Available in a range of colours, shapes, dimensions, and litreage. Typically a 1000 or 2000 litre black tank is the most popular.

      Sight Gauge Kit

      The sight gauge kit lets you see water levels at a glance on a black tank.

      Here's the sums

      How much does water cost?

      According to one water utility company, one cubic metre of water (1000 litres) costs £3.30* (water + sewage). Based on a 50% production/waste ratio, you would need two cubic metres (2000 litres) of mains water to produce one cubic metre (1000 litre) of pure water, which equates to £6.60 or £66.60 for every 10,000 litres of pure water produced.

      How much does the pre-filters, membranes, and resin cost?

      To factor this in, we going to base the calculations on a 500 litres of pure water being used each day, full time for a month. This works out at 10000 litres of pure water used each month.

      > The industrial Ez-Pure carbon/sediment prefilter we manufacturer have a long life cycle on them in comparision to the smaller filters on the market, so that means you need to change them every 6 months or 360,000 litres (so which ever comes first - the time frame or the maximum litres). Based on £48.99 per filter, thats a yearly cost of £97.98 + vat or £8.16 per 10,000 litres of pure water produced each month.

      > Stating how long an RO membrane will last is difficult to do, but lets say our GrippaPRO RO 4021 membranes are setup properly with our booster pump system, they will have the right pressure and flow required to work at their optimum. We are also going to work on the basis that the mains water is around 300ppm. If they kick out a nice healthy reading of 10ppm (lower is even better!), they should last around 2 years**, so that is a yearly cost of £195.99 + vat or £16.33 per 10,000 litres of pure water produced each month.

      > The yearly bill for your resin costs really depends on how healthy your system is. This depends on how often you change the pre-filters and therefore how well the RO membranes are working. If the RO membranes output a consistent TDS 10ppm, your resin will cost you £0.002 per litre or £20.00 per 10,000 litres of pure water produced each month.

      So how does it compare? Buy your water from a filling station or make your own water with a GrippaTank purification system?

      We've done some calculations based on the above to compare the cost of producing your own pure water (including the cost and fitting of the system) with the cost of using a filling station. Here's what we found: 

      A typical S300 Pro Static System on finance over a 3-year period = £130.82*** (+VAT) per month

      Based on a customer using 500 litres a day, 5 days a week: production of 10000 litres of pure water using your own system and water supply = £110.79 + vat (That is based on a water bill of £66.30 per month and cost of £44.95 for filter/membranes/resin spread over 12 months)

      Total cost of repaying the finance for your own system and producing 10000 litres of your own pure water = £241.61 (+VAT) per month or £0.0241 per litre (two and 1/2 pence).

      Average cost of 1000 litres of pure water from a filling station if purchased as low as £0.05 + vat = £325.00 (+VAT) per month

      After 3 years (once you’ve paid for the finance on the system) your monthly cost would drop down to as low as £0.011 (one pence) + vat =  £110.79 per 10000 litres.


      We are sure you'll agree, even when you take into account the cost of the filtration consumables it's is well worth considering having your own pure water purification system.  

      For more information on our RO and DI System kits and packages, visit:


      *costs based on information supplied by

      ** ro membrane life cycles are hugely depending on the quality of the incoming water, and how often they are flushed. Its vital to change the prefilter on the recommended time frame to give a membrane the best chance of a longer life. In hard water areas, pre-treatment such as a water softener is highly recommended.

      ***monthly costs based on an established business having been in operation for 3 years. Ts&Cs apply




    • Can the tanks carry salt water?

      Yes, our tanks are designed to carry salt water and other liquids. However, it's important to note that salt water and chemicals can be highly corrosive, potentially causing damage to your external taps and fixings.

      To ensure you have the correct fittings for your load, we recommend contacting us directly for advice. Our team will help you select the right components to match your specific requirements.

      For further details, please call us at 0800 098 8407. We're happy to assist!

    • What kind of battery products do you supply?

      We supply high grade brand name batteries to many different industries.

      We are unable to ship batteries via courier so please contact us to arrange collection or for a quotation on when-in-area delivery. 

    • What size generator do I need?

      You need to be sure that the generator you choose can cope with not only the power of your applicance but also the natural power surge that occurs when starting up the applicance and when under strain.

      The general rule is the applicance power should be at least 1/3 of the power of the generator.

      For Example - Our GrippaVAC gutter vacuum is 2400w, so It is recommended you use a 6kva generator (1/3 of 6kva = 2 or 2000w)

    • What warranty is included with the batteries?

      The Numax brand of batteries come with a 3 year warranty.

      For other battery brands, please speak to our sales team for further information. 


    • Shipping

      How do I get something delivered?

      Once you have found something on that you want to purchase, simply add it to your shopping basket and go through the checkout process.

      Where can I get it delivered to?

      All goods can be delivered either to your home address, to an alternative address or to your work address. We will deliver to addresses throughout the globe. However, for deliveries to non-mainland UK and international addresses, there may be an additional delivery charge and longer delivery lead-time. 

      How much does delivery cost?

      We offer free delivery on all retail orders over £75 plus VAT. 

      We also offer a Premium Delivery Service, where you can choose from Next Day, named Day or Saturday service, please call 0800 098 8407 for a bespoke quote.

      The delivery charge for each item is listed on the product detail page underneath the ‘Add to Basket’ button.

      When you add products to your shopping basket the appropriate charge will be added automatically. All delivery charges will be shown clearly throughout the checkout process.

      We make every effort to keep our delivery charges as low as possible. The delivery charge depends on the size and weight of the product ordered and the delivery service option you choose.

      When will it be delivered?

      Standard delivery of stocked items is normally within 5 working days. Delivery times are calculated in working days - i.e. Monday to Friday inclusive (working days do not include weekends or national Bank Holidays). In case of Bank Holidays please allow an extra 2 working days.

      Some items are delivered directly to you from the manufacturer and may incur a longer delivery lead-time. 

      For Premium Next Day Delivery, orders must be placed by 12 midday.

      For Saturday Delivery, orders must be placed by 12 midday Friday.

      Deliveries to non-Mainland UK or international locations may take longer.

      Please note that if your order is made up of a combination of items, deliveries may, on occasion be made separately.

      Risk in the goods will pass to you on delivery. We reserve the right to alter or amend delivery times in exceptional circumstances.

      We do everything we can to meet the delivery time specified in this section, however occasionally delivery times may be affected by factors beyond our control and cannot be guaranteed. We will inform you if we become aware of an unexpected delay. In the event that we fail to meet a specified delivery date you will have the option of either cancelling your order and receiving a full refund, or continuing with the order and accepting a refund of any additional delivery charge we have made.

      Restrictions on ordering and delivery

      All payments must be cleared funds before delivery of goods.

      All goods are subject to availability.

      Delivery times quoted above can vary depending on stock availability and delivery location.

    • Placing an Order

      Purchasing Online

      1. Find the product you want.
      2. Click 'Add to basket' button. When in your basket you will be notified to any essential products that are necessary to make your item work when you get it home.
      3. Once you have added all your items to your basket, click the 'Checkout' button.


      Registered Customers

      If you are already registered:

      1. Go to 'log-in' at the top of the site.
      2. Enter your user name and password and click 'log-in'.
      3. Check your contact and delivery details are correct. You can choose to deliver to an alternative address.
      4. Enter your payment details.
      5. Enter a promotional code, if you have one.
      6. Click on 'Confirm Order'.


      New Customers

      If you are a new customer or choose not to register:

      1. Enter your contact details.
      2. Enter you delivery address.
      3. Choose your preferred delivery address.
      4. Choose you payment details.
      5. Enter a promotional code if you have one.
      6. Click on 'Confirm Order'.
    • Do you ship to Northern Ireland?

      Yes we do, although surcharges apply due to the additional postage charges to ship to Northern Ireland. Some products are sold through our distributor, SureClean Systems and can be purchased from their stock.


    • International Enquiries

      Here at GrippaTank we highly value our international customers and have made made our full range of products available globally.

      And we don't stop there - if you know that one of our products would be perfect for your market, but certain logistical adaptations need to be made for your locality, then let us know. We will work with you to design and manufacture a range that works effectively in your environment. 

      Here are just some of the ways can we help:

      • Bespoke design and fabrication available.
      • Personalized consultation service.
      • Bulk discount on large orders.
      • Full account management.

      To become an international distributor or to arrange a consultancy for bespoke items, simply contact a member of our team at 

    • Public Sector

      Whether you are part of a government department or a local authority, we will help you to fulfill your contracts and improve your services.

      Any item from our substantial range can be adapted to suit the needs of your authority. If a bespoke item is required, our design team can work with you to create the perfect solution.

      Here's just some of the ways we can help:

      • Personalized consultation service
      • Bespoke design, fabrication and installation available
      • Bulk discount for large orders
      • 30 day credit account
      • Full account management
    • Design & Fabrication

      We at GrippaTank appreciate that our stock products may not meet the requirements of every environment which is why we offer a bespoke design service enabling us to create a product to the design of your choice, while encompassing the core principles of our readily available product range. 

      Products can be manufactured in the following materials: 

      • Aluminium 
      • Alloy 
      • Mild Steel 
      • Plastic 
      • Nylon

      We pride ourselves on offering a confidential service for patented products and prototypes and have been directly involved in the manufacture and supply of a number of high level products.

      How does the service work?

      1. After the initial briefing, a number of solutions and ideas will be designed and you will be able to choose which option you feel best suits your environment. 
      2. This design solution will then be created on a 3D CAD program, which will then be checked for safety and durability by our engineers.
      3. Once you've approved the design, the next step in the process will be to manufacture your unique order.

      Projects can be managed from start to finish with minimum impact on your business. Please call us on 0800 098 8407 to discuss your specific requirements and arrange a consultation.

    • Private Sector

      We have developed a complete range of products specifically to meet the demands of the public sector.

      Whether you're responsible for purchasing or facilities management and want to save money or are looking for a convenient way to grow your business, we have a solution for you.

      Here's how can we help:

      • Personalized consultation service
      • Bespoke design, fabrication and installation available
      • Bulk discount for large orders
      • 30 day credit account
      • Full account management

      To find out how we can help you meet your particular business objectives, call us on 0800 098 8407 to arrange a consultation with a member of our management team.

    • Installation Services

      Our expert installation service is available nationwide, enabling you and your customers to get on the road with peace of mind.

      From Thurso to Truro, Llanelli to Lowestoft, our experienced team will travel to your chosen location. You don't even need to leave your front door! Alternatively you can opt for one of our fitting centres in England or Scotland.

      What's included?

      • A convenient mobile service – at a location and time that suits you (subject to availability).
      • Our team of fitters will install and test your new system using the latest technology.
      • A service tailored to the needs of your business and vehicle.
      • We only fit products that have been thoroughly tried and tested.
      • A certificate of installation by an accredited company. 

       Don't leave your safety to chance, let the professionals fit it for you!

    • Finance & Leasing

      Are you looking to make budget payments and gain maximum benefit from a cost effective leasing package?

      Does your business need a high quality GrippaMAX Cleaning System?

      All businesses need equipment but they also feed on capital. Leasing enables you to get the first without compromising the second.

      Of course to stand out from your competitors you need the latest technology. Leasing is a long established, tax efficient method of financing a wide range of equipment.


      • 100% Tax efficient.
      • All leasing payments are 100% tax allowable. Every payment that is made on a leasing agreement could qualify to reduce a businesses Corporation Tax bill. 
      • Improves cashflow 
      • Leasing allows you to purchase equipment that is important to your business whilst at the same time keeping valuable cash in your bank - cash that could be used for other projects that are not as tax efficient. 
      • Let the machine pay for itself

      If the equipment you are purchasing will be a profit centre for your business it's easy to work out how many hours / jobs per week that it needs to do to pay for itself!

      Unsecured borrowing

      The equipment that is being leased is the only security that is generally necessary. No property is used as security, however, occasionally the finance company may need Directors Guarantees for some Limited Companies.

      Leasing, Hiring, or Outright Purchase- which is better?

      It depends on what your looking to get out of the purchase. 

      What is contract hire?

      In simple terms, Contract Hire is a method of funding the USE of a vehicle for a set period of time, but not the overall ownership (or cost of ownership) of it. It allows a customer to choose the vehicle they want, use it for a set period of time and an anticipated mileage and then give it back to the leasing company at the end of the period of hire.

      This product is the most inexpensive way to ensure your vehicles and equipment are kept new and are replaced regularly. If you want to have 3 - 5 years of trouble free motoring with maintenance, road fund licence, and breakdown cover all included, this is a good option.


      • Breakdown cover included as standard with Ford
      • Maintenance packages can also be included for the vehicle
      • Road fund licence is also included in the monthly costs
      • Simply hand back at the end of term and replace with a new vehicle, keeping your vehicles
      • Rentals are 100% tax deductable
      • Very low outlay (the deposit can be as little as 3 months payment up front)


      • Need to be aware that further costs may apply at end based on the mileage and condition of vehicle
      • Both the vehicle and the system are handed back at the end of term if the system has been included in the contract hire package. However, you can place the system under a lease instead so that this is owned

      What is finance lease?

      Finance Lease is a form of flexible leasing to fund the use, but not the ownership, of a vehicle and is ideally suited for VAT registered businesses. The leasing company hires the vehicle to the customer for an agreed period of time and for an agreed monthly sum. Providing any balloon payment has been paid, at the end of term:

      • the customer can return the vehicle back and be given the surplus from the sale of the vehicle
      • The Lease Company receives the full sale proceeds and refunds the customer a fixed percentage of any surplus that is generated as a rebate of rentals
      • The Customer can continue to use the vehicle for as long as they want on payment of an annual secondary period rental (commonly known as a peppercorn rental). This is normally the equivalent of one monthly rental.


      • Minimal capital outlay (can be as little as 3 payments)
      • No excess mileage or wear and tear costs.
      • Sell the vehicle at end of agreement and sales proceeds are returned to you
      • Tax and VAT advantages may be available
      • Can be listed as a leased asset on the company balance sheet


      • It can be a tricky process if you wish to keep the vehicle at the end of the contract instead of replacing it with a new vehicle contract
      • Its possible to transfer ownership to you, but normally there is a cost to this

      What is hire purchase?

      This product is pretty similar to Finance Lease, but with a lower payment structure which defers final payment at the end of term. You can transfer ownership of the vehicle to yourself once all payments have been made and a transfer of ownership fee has been completed.


      • No complicated hand over at the end of the term if you wish to own the vehicle
      • Final balloon payment can be increased to reduce monthly costs


      • Too large a balloon payment at the end of agreement can catch you out, or force you to sell the van to cover the cost if you are not prepared and have not planned correctly

      My credit score is pretty good, is that good enough?

      Credit score is a important factor in getting approved for finance. If any previous bad debt or CCJs are still showing on your profile, this can affect your chances of approval. However, the main interest of response finance companies is affordability. Can you afford the monthly costs? Can you prove this by the cash flow on your bank account?

      What sort of deposit do I normally need to place?

      This will depend on your credit score and overall package value, as well as the type of finance your going for. As a rough guide:

      • Vehicle and System Contract Hire - minimum of 3 payments up front as a deposit. This could be as little as £700-£1200
      • Vehicle Finance Lease - usually deposits will be around £1000-2000. You can put a higher deposit down and have a lower monthly payment or end payment
      • Equipment Lease - depending on which finance finder is used, and if your credit score is good, you usually will not pay a deposit at all. Some brokers will ask for 3 payments up front.

      How long can the term be?

      Depending on the approval offer, you can spread the cost over 1 – 5 years on equipment and 3 – 5 years on vehicles.

      Do I have to pay two separate monthly payments for the van and system?

      Not at all. Both of GrippaTank’s vehicle supply partners can include the system as part of the vehicle package so you just have one simple monthly payment. The arrangement is completely flexible as well, so if you have a limited amount of savings, you could part pay for some of the equipment or vehicle and then finance the remaining balance.

      What our customers say

      "Having spent many hours, days, even weeks, sourcing vans and installing systems, I can safely say
      purchasing a one stop solution through Grippatank has proved to be an excellent decision. The quality
      of product and service is extremely good and I will continue to use this method in future"
      – John, Ideal Window Cleaning.


      Different finance products suit different customers. Ultimately, if your company has the funds to purchase all new vehicles and equipment outright, and you prefer that method, you will likely get a very good package discount. 

      All finance is subject to terms and conditions and each individual's/company's credit score. Always seek financial advice before taking out credit.

    • Specialised Dept

      We, at GrippaTank, appreciate that our stock products may not meet the requirements of every environment. 

      We offer a bespoke design service, enabling us to create a product to the design of your choice, whilst at the same time, encompassing the core principles of our readily available product range. 

      Products can be manufactured in the following materials: 

      • Aluminium 
      • Alloy 
      • Mild Steel 
      • Plastic 
      • Nylon

      We pride ourselves on offering a confidential service for patented products and prototypes and have been directly involved in the manufacture and supply of a number of high level products.

      How does the service work?

      1. After the initial briefing, a number of solutions and ideas will be designed and you will be able to choose which option you feel best suits your environment. 
      2. This design solution will then be created on a 3D CAD program, which will then be checked for safety and durability by our engineers.
      3. Once you've approved the design, the next step in the process would be to manufacture your unique order.

      Projects can be managed from start to finish with minimum impact on your business. Please call us on 0800 098 8407 to arrange a consultation to discuss your specific requirements.


    • How can I make sure I work safely with my window cleaning equipment near to overhead power lines?

      Extra vigilance, care and concentration are needed when using water-fed poles, ladders or scaffolding near OHPLs on domestic or commercial properties. You must always Look Up, Look Out and stay safe.

      Before you start any work, stop and look up.

      • Be aware of the dangers of working near or underneath OHPLs. Always assume they are live and beware that electricity can jump gaps. Plan ahead and note the location of OHPLs.

      • Consider your position at ground and the extent of your equipment (i.e. Telescopic devices) and ensure that when extended it will not encroach or breach the exclusion zone as a minimum. Generally remain 5 metres away to be safe.

      • If you are in any doubt about whether the lines in question are power or telephone (this is a very common mistake) – always assume that they are power lines and are live.

      • If you are working at night, or in conditions of poor visibility, you should use spotlights or a torch to carefully check that there are no OHPLs if you are doing any work or operating something where there is a risk that contact could be made with OHPLS.

      • It is not normally practical for electricity companies to shroud high voltage conductors and even when low voltage conductors are shrouded, the shrouding is not designed to protect against contact by Tools or Equipment – again, Keep your Distance!

      • If unsure, always contact your local electricity network operators and follow the advice given before starting work.

      In the event of an emergency

      • If someone or something has made contact with an overhead line, you should immediately clear the area, away from the damage, do not make contact with anything that could still be touching or very close to the electrical equipment and keep at least 5 meters away.

      • In an emergency dial 999 and call 105 and tell them electricity is involved.

      Electrical Injuries: Types, Risks, and Prevention Toolbox Talk

      The 4 Main Types of Electrical Injury :

      There are four main types of electrical injuries that can occur due to electricity. In this toolbox talk, we will go over each type of injury and give you help for how to prevent them.

      1) Electricity Can Cause Burns

      The first major injury caused by electricity is burns. Burns can be caused by electrical short circuits, when an electrical arc occurs heat is produced and can cause surface or deep tissue burns depending on the amount of energy released. Burns can also occur when electric current passes through the body. The current heats up body tissue and causes external and internal burns. To prevent any of these scenarios from happening, you need to avoid any contact with live electricity.

      Here are some good tips:

      • Make sure all extension and power cords are in good condition before using them. If they are damaged, throw them out and replace.

      • Only qualified electricians should work with electrical equipment that has been made safe.

      • Stay away from high-voltage equipment, it should be clearly marked with ‘Danger of death’ signs.

      • Keep water away from electricity conductors.

      • If you think someone is in contact with live conductors, do not touch them, check out the advice at the end of this article.

      2) Electric Shock

      The next type of electrical injury is electric shock which occurs when you come into contact with an electrical energy source. When you get an electric shock, it can burn you and give you anything from a mild jolt to more serious jolts that in some cases can be life-threatening. Electric shocks most commonly occur when working with faulty electrical tools and machinery as well as coming into contact with faulty power cords or exposed conductors on overhead power lines.

      To avoid electric shocks, it is important to:

      • Make sure when using equipment and machinery that they are in good working order. Pay special attention to ensure there are no exposed wires due to cracked insulation.

      • If electrical equipment is damaged or broken do not go near it. Report it to someone who can fix it.

      • It is also important to ensure you do not use electrical tools and equipment close to water.

      3) Electrocution

      Electrocution means death by electric shock.

      Electrocution occurs when the current flowing through the body passes through the heart and causes it to stop beating properly. This can occur at low levels of current.

      • Stay a safe distance away from overhead power lines as any contact can cause electrocution.

      • Only qualified electricians should work with wiring and carry out jobs involving electricity. They need to ensure that they use the correct fuses, circuit breakers, and wiring when they are carrying out installations and repairs.

      • If there is any risk at all in coming into contact with electricity, STOP what you are doing and get advice.

      4) Electricity Can Cause Falls

      The final major cause of injury due to electrical issues is when people fall due to electric shock when working at height. For example, if you are up a ladder working on something, and you get an electric shock, you can lose your balance and fall, which turns a minor shock into a serious workplace injury.

      To avoid this happening, make sure that you:

      • Stay clear of electrical equipment when working up high and particularly where there are overhead power lines. Before commencing work, try to find a safer way to do the job.

      • Before you use any equipment when high up, make sure that it is in perfect working condition.

      • Ensure you are using the safest ladder or scaffolding for the job.

      Key Takeaways When Using Water Fed and Manual Extension Poles for Any Work at Height

      • Before starting any work, first “Look out – Look up”. i.e. conduct risk assessments through Looking out for any overhead electrical assets located nearby to your work and looking up to where you will be putting the pole and check the immediate vicinity for any overhead electrical assets (lines, wires, cables etc).

      • Make sure that extension poles cannot fall onto electrical conductors if they become unstable.

      • Do not assume any overhead wires are telephone wires/lines/cables.

      • Do not Mistake overhead power lines on wooden poles for telephone wires.

      • Look out for overhead mains electric cables.

      • Look carefully for electrical wires from the house to garages, sheds, and other types of adjacent buildings.

      • If in doubt avoid working with or around electrical hazards.

      • Think about the weather, Rain.

      • Wet hands and wet feet make it easier for a person to conduct electricity.

      • High winds can cause the pole to move sideways possibly contacting adjacent overhead electrical wires.

      • Work should only be completed by people who have the appropriate training, certification and experience.

      Gutter Cleaning with Carbon Fibre Poles In addition to the above advice for water fed and manual poles the following should always be followed.

      • Always try to use 110 volts or battery power for the gutter VAC

      • Make sure equipment and extension cords you are working with or around are in good condition and safely out of the way when working.

      • Never join extension leads together

      • Always use a residual circuit device if using 230v and push the ‘test’ button to make sure it works, it could save your life.

      • Check all electrical wires to the machine for breakages before use.

      Reference for additional information



    • What precautions should I take in the cold weather?

      Cleaning is all about efficiency, so any downtime will effect your earnings as well as only cause your cleaning schedules to get behind. So being prepared for the cold weather is important in order to keep you fully operational, as well as preventing any damage to your system which could be costly to repair.

      We have put some tips together to help prevent system freezing, and to help you operate full steam ahead through the colder months. If you have any other suggestions, we would love to hear them.

      How to protect your HydroHeat hot water cleaning system and keep working through freezing temperatures:

      Year on year, our HydroHeat customers are able to steam through the cold weather (pun intended!), even when there is snow on the ground.

      • Make sure your system controls have the frost prevention setting on – this will make sure the system kicks in at 2c and circulates hot water to stop the system and reels from freezing over night. You can check this by pressing arrow down and enter key at the same time on the controller, and checking the settings match FST setting is ON, FEP setting is 2c, and FFL is 10.
      • Keep your diesel tank topped up and your system batteries mains charged overnight – looking after your fuel supply and batteries will make sure the system is frost free and ready for work in the morning.
      • Make sure your reel hose and frost re-circulation connections are in good condition – if your couplings are not regularly updated, water may not re-circulated correctly when the frost prevention system kicks in.
      • Connect your reels into the re-circulation system between jobs and at the end of the day – keeping the water circulating through the day on re-circulation will increase the water temperature in the system, giving you even better scrubbing power on the glass.
      • Pre-heat the system before you go to work – switching the system on, before you leave for your first job, will circulate the water through your reels, preheating your kit ready for your first job of the day. This will give your system and hoses a head start before being run out onto the cold ground, and this will help keep the temperatures at the brush at a suitable temperature throughout the day.
      • Get your system serviced – keeping your investment in tip top condition will give you peace of mind that it will reliably keep you working through the winter. It also ensures that the heater runs efficiently, using the correct amount of fuel and battery power.

      If you haven't yet purchased a HydroHeat system, how can you protect a cold system?

      • Monitor water temperature. Some of our systems come with a temperature monitor. With the controller on, press the 'enter' key repeatedly until it displays "EP" or "TEMP". Anything below 2°C should trigger your cold weather precaution procedures. 
      • Keeping your system from freezing is key to preventing damage. If you have just a delivery system, then draining the plumbing each night is one option to help prevent damage over night.
        • Steps to isolate and drain the plumbing in a delivery system:
          • Isolate the water in the tank at the tank isolater valve found on the bottom of the tank near the system cabinet. There is a tank outlet for each pump, so if you have a 2 person system, there will be two valves to isolate.
          • Disconnect hose on the side of the reel coming from the system, and plug a male fitting into the hose, to allow water to drain out from the system. You can use part code: GH-PR26-P-12HB or GH-PR26-P-12HB-DV for plugging in to the hose to release the water from the hose.
          • Switch the controller up to 99, and this will drain down the plumbing and pump system. This will help prevent any damage from freezing. 
          • Remember! If you drain the plumbing and pump system down to prevent the system from freezing or for some maintenance, you will then need to re-prime the system to clear any air and refill the pump and plumbing in the cabinet again before you reconnect your reel and re-start the day of work.
            • To re prime a system after it has been drained down:
              • 1/. Open the tank isolater valve (found at the bottom of the tank)
              • 2/. Open the trolley fillup/bleed hose John guest valve (found at end of the clear hose clipped up on the side of the van), and let water flow free. Once the air locks have cleared, turn the valve off, and place back into its holder.
              • 3/. Open the underport isolater valve John guest valve (found on the side of the cabinet)
              • 4/. Connect a male PRO 26 connector into the relevant female port on the bumper underport (found on the side of the cabinet). You can use part code: GH-PR26-P-12HB or GH-PR26-P-12HB-DV for this.
              • 5/. Turn the controller on, and increase the speed up to 99.
              • 6/. Water will splutter out, with the odd spit of air. Once the water flows through at full rate, you can turn down the controller to your normal flow rate.
              • 7/. Connect your pole to your reel, and normal water flow should resume. If water flow doesn't resume, repeat the above process, but on step 4, connect the male pro 26 connector to the system to reel hose link (found between the system and the side of the reel).
      • How to protect a cold water system with on board filtration
        • If a membrane freezes, it will cause substantial damage, and may need you have to replace both the membrane, housing, and the surrounding plumbing. So the key is to ensure some form of heat is added to the vehicle on a winters night. However, how you do this carries its own risks and dangers.
          • Some customers use a quilt to maintain the membranes ambient temperature – this can work to keep the "edge" of a cold night, however this will not suffice in freezing temperatures as it doesn't add any heat around the system.
          •  Other customers will run an extension lead to the van and plug in an electric, oil, or LPG heater overnight. We regularly hear of electric, oil, or LPG heaters catching fire in the back of a vehicle, so this is something that needs to be done with extreme caution, and not something we recommend.
          • Our recommended solution is to have automated frost prevention installed along side a HydroHeat Air Heater (blows hot air around your vehicle when required on a timer or on frost prevention) or a HydroHeat Water Heater (circulates hot water around the system in a frost, as well as giving you hot water to clean with).

      ​Contact us today if you would like to discuss how we can add automated frost protection to your system.

      Options available for heat and frost prevention:

      - No automated heat (relies on your operatives running an extension lead to the van, and putting a mains powered heater in the back of the van). This option is risky, if the auxiliary heater catches fire, it could burn out the vehicle.

      - Diesel AIR Heater - this provides automated frost protection by automatically turning on when in cold weather, and blowing hot air into the back of the van to keep the van warm.

      - Diesel WATER Heater - this provides automated frost protection by automatically turning on when in cold weather, and running hot water around the pumps and reels, and back into the tank. This option gives you hot water to work with, which then provides better cleaning power on the glass or surfaces you clean with.


      LPG, Oil Fired, and Electric Radiators could cause a fire! Please exercise caution if using these to heat your system. We would highly recommend getting a  Hydroheat Space Air Heater or a HydroHeat Water Heater.  


    • Website Terms & Conditions

      Website Terms & Conditions

      If you continue to browse and use this website, you are agreeing to comply with and be bound by the following terms and conditions of use, which together with our privacy policy govern GrippaTank’s relationship with you in relation to this website. If you disagree with any part of these terms and conditions, please do not use our website.The term ‘GrippaTank’ or ‘us’ or ‘we’ refers to the owner of the website whose registered office is 14,15 The Tin Lid Industrial Estate, Brmapton Road, Buckden, PE19 5YZ. Our company registration number is 0795256. The term ‘you’ refers to the user or viewer of our website. The use of this website is subject to the following terms of use:

      1. The content of the pages of this website is for your general information and use only. It is subject to change without notice.
      2. This website uses cookies to monitor browsing preferences. If you do allow cookies to be used no personal information may be stored by us for use by third parties.
      3. Neither we nor any third parties provide any warranty or guarantee as to the accuracy, timeliness, performance, completeness or suitability of the information and materials found or offered on this website for any particular purpose. You acknowledge that such information and materials may contain inaccuracies or errors and we expressly exclude liability for any such inaccuracies or errors to the fullest extent permitted by law  
      4. Your use of any information or materials on this website is entirely at your own risk, for which we shall not be liable. It shall be your own responsibility to ensure that any products, services or information available through this website meet your specific requirements.
      5. This website contains material which is owned by or licensed to us. This material includes, but is not limited to, the design, layout, look, appearance and graphics. Reproduction is prohibited other than in accordance with the copyright notice, which forms part of these terms and conditions.
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      7. Unauthorised use of this website may give rise to a claim for damages and/or be a criminal offence.
      8. From time to time, this website may also include links to other websites. These links are provided for your convenience to provide further information. They do not signify that we endorse the website(s). We have no responsibility for the content of the linked website(s).
      9. Your use of this website and any dispute arising out of such use of the website is subject to the laws of England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
      ©2012 GrippaTank Limited. No part of this website or catalogue may be stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any other means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of GrippaTank Limited. All trademarks are acknowledged
    • Sales Terms & Conditions

      Sales Terms & Conditions

      Please read these conditions carefully before placing an order with GrippaTank Limited.By placing an order from GrippaTank Limited, you signify your agreement to be bound by these conditions.

          Conditions Relating to the Sale of Products to You:

      1. Acceptance of the goods by the Buyer indicates acceptance of the Terms and Conditions given below.  
      2. All payments must be received and cleared funds before an order can be released.
      3. You agree to be bound by each individual product liability disclaimer. (Click Here to Read Product Liability Disclaimers).
      4. Each product include instructions, these should be read and clearly understood before the product is used.
      5. Risk in the Goods shall pass to the Buyer on delivery. The Title in the Goods shall not pass to the Buyer until payment has been made by the buyer in full of all sums owing by the buyer to GrippaTank.
      6. All Goods remain the property of GrippaTank until payment is received in full. In the event of non-payment by the buyer in accordance with the terms agreed, the buyer hereby authorises GrippaTank to enter upon the buyers' premises to remove the goods.
      7. Dates given by GrippaTank for the delivery of Goods are approximate only and do not form part of the Contract. GrippaTank accept no liability for any loss consequential or otherwise rising from the delay.
      8. GrippaTank reserve the right to amend its prices without prior notice.
      9. All retail orders over £75.00 include postage and packaging for UK Mainland, other destinations will be subject to a further postage charge, where applicable.
      10. Customers wishing to have products delivered anywhere other than UK Mainland should contact GrippaTank for a postage quote before placing an order. GrippaTank reserves the right to charge an administration fee if this term is not followed by the buyer.
      11. Under no circumstances will GrippaTank be liable for:
        1. any goods considered damaged in transit unless such damage is reported to us within 48 hours of receipt of the goods.  

        2. defects or damage resulting from fair wear and tear, neglect, improper use by the Buyer, or failure of the Buyer to comply with manufacturers instructions. 

        3. goods which have been adjusted, altered, adapted or repaired. 

        4. the suitability of any goods for any particular purpose or use whether or not the purpose or conditions were communicated to the Seller.

        5. any alleged defects must be notified by the Buyer to GrippaTank  within 48 hours of delivery. Any defective goods should be held for inspection.

      12. Complaints in respect of alleged defects will not be grounds for the Buyer to withhold payments, and give no right of set-off against payments due from the Buyer to GrippaTank.
      13. Goods cannot be returned unless the Buyer has been issued with an official Goods Return Number. A minimum 10% re-stocking and administration charge may be applied to goods returned without authorisation.
      14. Credit will not be issued for returned Goods, which, in the opinion of GrippaTank, are in an un-saleable condition. Goods must be returned unused and complete with original packing materials and instructions.
      15. Goods of a type not normally held in stock, and therefore specially ordered, are non-returnable.
      16. Products may vary from those illustrated and are supplied un-kitted unless otherwise stated
      17. When you place an order to purchase a product from GrippaTank, we will send you an e-mail confirming receipt of your order and containing the details of your order. Your order represents an offer to us to purchase a product which is accepted by us at the time that your payment is taken. You will also receive an email confirming the dispatch and the acceptance of the order. No contract has been formed until this point.

      * Money back guarantee is only applicable on goods returned undamaged and in original packaging, unless the goods are faulty and covered under our 6 month warranty. Goods must be returned within 30 days from date of invoice, unless otherwise agreed in writing. Authorisation must first be obtained from GrippaTank before goods can be returned. Postage will not be refunded on goods returned which are not faulty.

      ** The Company’s Policy is one of continuous development and the right is reserved to make changes without notice.

      *** None of the Company’s employees or Agents have the authority to bind the company by an oral agreement at variance to these conditions of sale. Every possible care has been taken to ensure that the prices listed on this website are correct. Prices listed should be considered "Invitation to Treat". Please contact customer services on 0800 098 8407 for any changes to products or advertised prices that may have occurred due to circumstances beyond GrippaTank's control.

      Conditions Relating to your use of the products as sold by us (GrippaTank):

      Under no circumstances will GrippaTank be liable for:

      • any goods considered damaged in transit unless such damage is reported to us within 48 hours of receipt of the goods.
      • defects or damage resulting from fair wear and tear, neglect, improper use by the Buyer, or failure of the Buyer to comply with manufacturers instructions.
      • goods which have been adjusted, altered, adapted or repaired.
      • the suitability of any goods for any particular purpose or use whether or not the purpose or conditions were communicated to the Seller.(iiiii) failure to use the products correctly as shown in the instructions

      E.& O.E

      ©2012 GrippaTank Limited No part of this website or catalogue may be stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any other means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of GrippaTank. All trademarks are acknowledged. 


    • Privacy Notice

      Privacy Policy

      This privacy policy sets out how GrippaTank uses and protects any information that you give GrippaTank when you use this website.

      GrippaTank is committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected. Should we ask you to provide certain information by which you can be identified when using this website, then you can be assured that it will only be used in accordance with this privacy statement.GrippaTank may change this policy from time to time by updating this page. You should check this page from time to time to ensure that you are happy with any changes. This policy is effective from 20/04/2012. 

      What we collect

      We may collect the following information:

      • name and job title
      • contact information including email address
      • demographic information such as postcode, preferences and interests
      • other information relevant to customer surveys and/or offers

      What we do with the information we gather?

      We require this information to understand your needs and provide you with a better service, and in particular for the following reasons:

      • Internal record keeping.
      • We may use the information to improve our products and services.
      • We may periodically send promotional emailsabout new products, special offers or other information which we think you may find interesting using the email address which you have provided. 
      • From time to time, we may also use your information to contact you for market research purposes. We may contact you by email, phone, fax or mail. We may use the information to customise the website according to your interests.


      We are committed to ensuring that your information is secure. In order to prevent unauthorised access or disclosure,we have put in place suitable physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect online. 

      How we use cookies

      A cookie is a small file which asks permission to be placed on your computer's hard drive. Once you agree, the file is added and the cookie helps analyse web traffic or lets you know when you visit a particular site. Cookies allow web applications to respond to you as an individual. The web application can tailor its operations to your needs, likes and dislikes by gathering and remembering information about your preferences.We use traffic log cookies to identify which pages are being used. This helps us analyse data about web page traffic and improve our website in order to tailor it to customer needs. We only use this information for statistical analysis purposes and then the data is removed from the system.

      Overall, cookies help us provide you with a better website, by enabling us to monitor which pages you find useful and which you do not. A cookie in no way gives us access to your computer or any information about you, other than the data you choose to share with us.You can choose to accept or decline cookies. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually modify your browser setting to decline cookies if you prefer. This may prevent you from taking full advantage of the website. 

      Links to other websites

      Our website may contain links to other websites of interest. However, once you have used these links to leave our site, you should note that we do not have any control over that other website. Therefore, we cannot be responsible for the protection and privacy of any information which you provide whilst visiting such sites and such sites are not governed by this privacy statement. You should exercise caution and look at the privacy statement applicable to the website in question. 

      Controlling your personal information

      You may choose to restrict the collection or use of your personal information in the following ways: 

      • whenever you are asked to fill in a form on the website, look for the box that you can click to indicate that you do not want the information to be used by anybody for direct marketing purposes
      • if you have previously agreed to us using your personal information for direct marketing purposes, you may change your mind at any time by writing to or emailing us at

      We will not sell, distribute or lease your personal information to third parties unless we have your permission or are required by law to do so. We may use your personal information to send you promotional information about third parties which we think you may find interesting if you tell us that you wish this to happen.You may request details of personal information which we hold about you under the Data Protection Act 1998. A small fee will be payable. If you would like a copy of the information held on you please write to 14-15 The Tin Lid Industrial Estate, Brampton Road, Buckden, St Neots, PE19 5YZ, United Kingdom. If you believe that any information we are holding on you is incorrect or incomplete, please write to or email us as soon as possible, at the above address. We will promptly correct any information found to be incorrect. 

      Product Liability Disclaimer

      Please read thse conditions carefully before placing an order with GrippaTank Ltd. By placing an order for GrippaTank Ltd, you signify your agreement to be bound by these conditions.


      E.& O.E

      ©2012 GrippaTank Limited. No part of this website or catalogue may be stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any other means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of GrippaTank Limited. All trademarks are acknowledged

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0800 098 8407

Units 14-15
The Tin Lid Industrial Estate
Brampton Road, Buckden
Saint Neots, PE19 5YZ


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